Macro Symposium

Macro Symposium

Being Held In Person on October 26-27, 2022

Macromolecular Symposium 2022 Schedule

Register and Submit your abstract Here

The Macro Symposium brings together students, faculty, alumni, and industry professionals for two days of invited talks, professional and academic development courses, poster presentations, and a networking dinner. In 2019, we hosted over 150 participants representing 10 companies, 8 departments at Michigan, and 25 institutions across the count

  • Recipients group photo

View speaker lists and programs from past symposia:

2021: Polymer Research and Development & Professional Development Workshops

2019: Polymer Design Interfaces & The Well-Rounded Scientist Short Courses

2018: Physical & Chemical Interactions of Polymeric Systems & Your Role as a Researcher Outside of the Lab Short Courses

2017: Emergent Polymer Science and Engineering & Beyond Academia Short Courses

2016: Macromolecules and Innovation: From Discovery to Product & Innovation! Short Courses

2015: Polymers and Their Biomedical Applications

2014: Hybrid Materials

2013: Hierarchical Polymers and Macromolecules

Please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions. 

Thank you to the Macro Symposium Planning Committee!

Claudia Loebel, Faculty; Kristen Kellsal, PhD Student; Huiling Li, PhD Student. Shuo Zhang, PhD Student; Xueqi Chu; Master’s Student; Hiba Baghdadi, Staff.